We will be exhibiting at the upcoming Toronto Audio Fest 2024 in Room 363.
We will introduce a new line named Tiglon from Japan. Their products include racks, speaker stands, cables and tweaks.
We are excited to demonstrate our cost-no-object, top of the line YYZ moving coil cartridge which employs a diamond cantilever with a Well Tempered Lab Amadeus 254 GT turntable system plus a Bill’s Phono phono stage.
Production version of our Caprisse bookshelf speakers will also be available at the show.
The Caprisse is designed by the famous Italian drivers and speakers designer Joseph Szall. It employs a SB Acoustics tweeter and an ATD AGTi mid/bass driver.
For amplification, it will be the Audio Exklusiv P 112 hybrid integrated amplifier made in Germany.
High speed 15ips open reel tapes will also be played at the show with a Studer A810 and a Revox PR99 MKIII recorders.
Last of all, there will be a LP/CD demagnetizing machine with rotation from Wonder Audio Labs. This is the most effective LP/CD demagnetizer so far.